Thursday, July 28, 2016

Trending on Twitter: #IfYourDayIsBadAlwaysRemember

  Every time I have tried to come up with a weekly blog post, I either get bored of the idea before I start it, or I get bored of posting entries so similar they all start to blend to together. Lately though, I have been inspired, to try a weekly blog post that does not involve an overload of photographs. Especially as my photo-heavy posts have become less and less in the past few months. Only next week will tell how committed I am to this literary venture.
  I present for your reading pleasure (or displeasure if you do not like my ramblings) “Trending on Twitter”. Every week I am going to pick a trending hashtag and write about it. There were a couple of interesting ones to choose from today, especially since the Democratic National Convention is underway this week. I think, though, I have written enough about politics this year, and I do not really want to tackle a major social issue on short notice. Politics and feminism might be interesting subjects, but they tend to be inflammatory as well.
  For this week’s entry, I will be using #IfYourDayIsBadAlwaysRememer. I am pretty sure someone on Twitter’s creative staff came up with that hashtag to promote positivity on the internet. There are plenty of ways to encourage people in 140 characters or less.
  It would be easy, and incredibly clichéd, to say life is good and seeing the world as wonderful place is only a matter of whether or not you see the glass as half full.  There are times are times when that is certainly true. At other times, days are bad, and that is okay. Life is not a Macy’s Day parade. We have to cry, and feel pain, and get sick, and go to funerals. The world is a messed up place, and inescapable bad days will come and they will have to be endured. Pizza and rock-and-roll will not ultimately make anyone’s sorrow go away.
  As a Christian, I know I will have bad days. And I know that God is with me to carry me through my struggles. I also know there will be an end to the pain and sorrow on this earth: I can look to Christ’s coming as that end. I am going to have bad days. There will be many times in this life when I am not happy. But when I have bad days, I can look beyond my unhappiness to the eternal joy waiting on the other side.


  1. Hi Hannah, I like your thoughts about tweaking posts now and then. I get stuck, too. As believers we are told we will suffer and have bad days. Our joy awaits us eternally. It is our love for Christ - because of His love for us - that makes it all worth living...those good days and the bad ones, too! Hope your today is filled with sweet moments! Love, Me


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